When we launched Majestic Care, we aimed to transform the current model of skilled care for our residents and those who work for them. With a commitment to providing warm, caring, positive, and supportive environments, our focus was to raise the experience not only for those who trust us with their health care needs but also for our Care Team members.
We challenged ourselves to not flow with the status quo and solicited feedback from residents and Care Team members. While it wasn’t always easy to hear, these critical conversations enabled us to identify opportunities for us to change our culture.
2018: The Year of our Care Team
By far our most significant accomplishment this year has been among our Care Team members. Majestic Care has become an organization with systems in place that value each member of our team. There are not enough words of gratitude for what they accomplish on a daily basis and their commitment to our residents.
We have recruited new Care Team members to each of our communities, and they embody our vision, mission, and core values through their care for the residents we are honored to serve. Hour after hour, day after day, they are the ones making a difference in the lives of those who call Majestic Care home.
Simply put, our most significant accomplishment for 2018 is the people who come to work daily at Majestic Care. But a new year is upon us, and it is time to set our sights on what we want to accomplish in 2019.
2019: What Lies Ahead
We’re proud of the programs we offer Majestic Care residents and are committed to implementing the latest technology and provide the best possible service and care. For the new year we are implementing continued improvements among our clinical programs in four areas:
Implementing an electronic medical record (EMR) system & Pharmacy enhancements
This will allow our clinicians to more efficiently track data for our residents, identify what treatments our residents need, and efficiently monitor the progress of each resident.
Swisslog is a leader in customer-oriented solutions. We’re excited to incorporate their product into our pharmacy to enhance our residents’ experience. This will provide an on-site pharmacy resource to each of our communities. It allows us to live our mission for our new admits 24 hours a day. It improves the efficiency and efficacy of our medication administration for our nurses.
New direct care technologies
From the start, we have been committed to providing our residents personal, one-on-one care. Incorporating new technology to improve the efficiency of our direct care staff will allow them to spend more time with our residents.
Quality measure improvements
Our commitment to changing the way we provide care to our residents is as strong as ever, but we still have the regulatory demands to meet. We plan to continue our 5-star rating improvements while at the same time improving our care outcomes.
Community Upgrades
We are excited to start extensive renovation projects in each of our communities. We want to improve the living conditions for each resident we serve and allow our local communities to have great pride in their skilled nursing facility.
Majestic Care looks forward to continued growth as we welcome additional facilities to our family. We will also focus on remodeling our current facilities including enhancements to each of our existing physical plants with new resident furniture, new service lines, and an improved homelike environment for each community.
Thank you for trusting Majestic Care in 2018, and we look forward to continued growth in the year ahead.