Older adults living in congregate settings are at high risk of being affected by respiratory and other pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2. A strong infection prevention and control (IPC) program is critical to protect both residents and healthcare personnel. Although nursing homes are resuming normal practices, they must sustain core IPC practices and remain vigilant for SARS-CoV-2 infection among residents and healthcare personnel in order to prevent spread and protect from severe infections and hospitalizations.
In general, healthcare facilities should continue to follow IPC recommendations for all unvaccinated individuals when caring for fully vaccinated individuals with moderate to severe immunocompromise due to medical conditions or receipt of immunosuppressive medications or treatments.
Other factors, such as end-stage renal disease, likely pose a lower degree of immunocompromise and there might not be a need to follow the recommendations for those with moderate to severe immunocompromise. However, those who are fully vaccinated in this category should consider continuing to practice physical distancing and use a source of control while in a healthcare setting.
Ultimately, the degree of immunocompromise for the patient is determined by the treating provider, and preventive actions are tailored to each individual and situation. For more information, visit