Malichi Baumgartner, an 18-year-old young man, was living at home with supervision from his parents. Malichi was involved in an accident resulting in a fracture of his left tibia, a pelvic fracture, multiple spinal fractures, sternal and rib fracture, pterygoid and nasal fracture as well as multiple fractures of the extremities. Due to the accident, Malichi also obtained a right-sided cerebral infarct, tracheostomy and kidney lacerations.
When Malichi chose to come to Majestic Care of Connersville for his rehab, he was bed-bound and requiring total assistance for all functional mobility and daily tasks. Malichi not only had multiple fractures throughout his body but was also on weight-bearing precautions and spinal precautions that required him to wear a Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis brace.
The Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy team all worked with Malichi for several months so that he could reach his goal of returning home with his parents. The therapy team focused on the importance of regaining function and increasing his independence. The nursing team focused on Malichi’s goal of discharging home with no feeding tube.
After months of hard work, Malichi was able to achieve his goal of returning home and discharged with the ability to independently ambulate an unlimited distance. The combination of Malichi’s motivation and the Care Team Members dedication and compassion, Malichi is now at home living with his parents. Majestic Care of Connersville would like to thank Malichi for letting us be a part of his success in gaining back his independence. We are proud of you Malichi!