Majestic Care of Cedar Village is so proud to share patient Morgan Bayer’s Success JOURNEY with you all!
January 31st, 2022
Morgan Bayer was driving back to school at Indiana Wesleyan College in Marian, Indiana when she was in a terrible car accident. It is believed that she hit a patch of black ice causing her to cross the double yellow line and hit another car head on. First responders were able to extricate her from her vehicle and from there she was air cared to University Hospital at home in Cincinnati. She was soon transferred to the Intensive Care Unit where they were able to determine the extent of her injuries, and she was literally broken from head to toe.

February 17th, 2022
After 2 ½ weeks of excellent care at UC, Morgan made her move to Majestic Care of Cedar Village for extensive PT & OT as well as top notch nursing care. Here is where she would spend the next month learning how to live a non-weight bearing (temporary) life and rely on her Care Team to assist her in almost every aspect of her daily life.
Morgan showed her fighting spirit and determination from the first moment she arrived at Cedar Village, but she could not have done it alone. It was obvious that her support system was extensive and provided her the courage to push through every excruciating painful moment. With her mom by her side and learning with Morgan, they began to form a bond like none other with the Cedar Village Care Team. Her nurses, aides, therapists & various others figured Morgan out pretty quickly. They learned when to push Morgan through the pain. They learned how to comfort Morgan through the tears. Most importantly, they learned how to support, encourage, and love Morgan. Along with her constant family support, THIS is what got her through…. THESE PEOPLE are who got her through the most difficult time in her life to date and it was because of these people. Morgan made amazing progress in just one month’s time.

March 17th, 2022
The luck of the Irish was certainly upon Morgan on this St. Patrick’s Day because after 2 months, Morgan was finally ready to go home! The realization of not having her Cedar Village community team right there with her was certainly a “hard pill to swallow” but they reminded Morgan (and her family) that they have educated her and given her all the tools she needs to take this next step. Also, the bond between them and Morgan was so strong that they expected to hear from her often!

May 18th, 2022
Two months have now gone by and finally Morgan receives some news that she has been anxiously awaiting.
“DRUMROLL PLEASE…. My ortho doctor is very happy with how my femur, tib-fib, and ankle fractures are healing and has officially cleared me for therapy and.. I CAN START WALKING & STANDING WHEN I GET TO THERAPY!!! I could not have gotten to this point in my recovery without each and every one of your prayers, blessings, love, and inspiration. I definitely still have a long road ahead of me but, this is the next step we have been looking forward to and I am very excited to start walking again!”
-Morgan’s words via her Caring Bridge page
May 24th, 2022
Four months ago, Morgan and her Care Team thought this day seemed so far away but alas- it is here and she is back at Majestic Care of Cedar Village only this time for Outpatient Therapy! “IT IS THE DAY WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! It has been 113 days since the last time I walked and today I took my first steps since the morning of my accident!! it has been an emotional day for all but it is also a great day!!! Thank you to everyone who has prayed & constantly pushed me! I did it!!“
-Morgan’s words via her Facebook page

June 9th, 2022
Today, Morgan continues to make extraordinary progress! Congratulations to Morgan and her Care Team on their success!