Majestic Care of Livonia is excited to share resident Sylvia B’s Success Story!

Ms. B. returned home after a long stay in another facility and subsequently experienced a fall resulting in a hospital stay. She came to Majestic of Livonia for rehabilitation in May of this year. When Ms. B. got here, she said her goal was to be able to get up out of bed and transfer to a chair. She received OT from May until July, and progressed well.

At the time of discharge from OT, she was able to perform bed mobility and was able to start putting weight on her legs! She had worked so hard to get to this point! Following OT, Ms. B received PT to work on getting her up on her feet and performing transfers. At the time of her discharge from PT, she was able to transfer to a wheelchair with limited assistance utilizing a walker. Ms. B. reported that she never thought she would be able to do this again. She is going to remain in the community with us for long-term care. Ms. B.’s positive attitude combined with her hard work and dedication to reach her goals is an inspiration to others! Congratulations to Sylvia and her Care Team on their success!